by Rosemary & Larry Mild | Nov 23, 2018 | Articles, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
When a husband and wife write as a team, how do they create fiction that comes out seamlessly, sounding like one author? Big question. Larry and Rosemary Mild came from different worlds in 1986. They met on a blind date. Larry had lost his wife to cancer. Rosemary had...
by Jean P Moore | Sep 26, 2018 | Articles, Writing Inspiration, Writing Process
When my first novel came out, I would invariably be asked about the subplot of teen lesbianism I chose to include. This would be followed by a brief, awkward silence. But I was always happy to set minds at ease, to ensure the questioner and the audience that the...
by editor | Sep 19, 2017 | Articles, Guest Contributors, Writing Inspiration
By Anne Leigh Parrish Americans are practical people. We think about profit and loss, success and failure, maximizing our utility, avoiding diminished returns. We’re healthy Capitalists. We live for the business model of constant, steady growth. We seek profits at...
by editor | Sep 18, 2017 | Articles, Guest Contributors, Writing Inspiration
By Cate Holahan Where do you get your ideas? The question is a favorite at mystery conferences and most novelists—myself included—cobble together an answer about an overheard anecdote, news story, or image that served as the genesis for a recent book. But the answers...
by editor | Apr 7, 2017 | A Bookish Blog, Syndication, Writing Inspiration
By Heidi K. Rojek, Owner of City Book Review Summer vacation will be upon us before you know it. Best to start planning your hotel stays now. If you’re reading this, my guess is you’re into books. What better way to enjoy your vacation than by...
by editor | Jun 7, 2016 | Articles, Book Publishing, Guest Contributors, Writing Inspiration
By Erin Lindsay McCabe As a former literature major and English teacher, I thought I understood the power of words on a page. But I always saw books in contexts where a community already existed—a school, a classroom, a book club made up of longtime friends. It wasn’t...