Blue: In Search of Nature’s Rarest Color
Indigo. Ultramarine. Lapis Lazuli. Prussian blue. Throughout human history, we have sought to emulate the colors of sea and sky—but the process has been more challenging than with any other hue. For decades, botanists have labored unsuccessfully to create a blue rose; the results of early chemists sometimes turned out to be toxic. Why is blue different than all other colors? It appears only rarely in nature: in the feathers of prized birds or on certain flower petals. And yet, when we look closely, the blue often disappears. The answers have to do with how our eyes work, the molecular structure of various elements, and even human language itself. This fascinating book delves into art, chemistry, biology, physics, geology, history, and literature in order to elucidate the beautiful mysterious color blue. Richly illustrated (as it should be) with gorgeous colors and helpful diagrams, as well as quotes from poetry and prose, the book also contains a surprising personal revelation at the end.
Author | Kai Kupferschmidt |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 224 pages |
Publisher | The Experiment |
Publish Date | 20-Jul-2021 |
ISBN | 9781615197521 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | October 2021 |
Category | Science & Nature |
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