Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 2 – Serve You

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As one of his new companions struggles with the loss of her mother, the Doctor battles a TARDIS where time moves backward, an eternal war comes to Earth, and the sinister ServeYou Incorporated, a company that seems to feed on the best of us and leave the worst behind. And the Doctor will have to rely on his friends more than ever if he’s to survive a diabolical trap that endangers the whole of existence.

The Eleventh Doctor is tailor-made for a graphic novel series, as such an unbridled imaginative tapestry suits his goofiness, anger, emotional outbursts, and jovial demeanor. He can run roughshod here, and in Ewing and Williams’ hands, he proves to be an immensely engaging centerpiece. We get far less time with his companions Jones and ARC, and interest in them suffers accordingly; however, Alice absolutely shines as a person who has suffered, but will not be beaten down by the vagaries of fate. In short, she’s bloody awesome.

And these three adventures suit Alice well, offering interesting stakes and unexpected twists, with the backward one a particularly mind-bending treat.

Reviewed By:

Author Al Ewing • Rob Williams • Simon Fraser, Illustrator • Warren Pleece, Illustrator • Boo Cook, Illustrator
Star Count /5
Format Trade
Page Count 128 pages
Publisher Titan Comics
Publish Date 2016-06-28
ISBN 9781782766582 Buy this Book
Issue August 2016
Category Sequential Art


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