I’m Not Hungry But I Could Eat

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As we move toward a more inclusive and cognizant environment in publishing, we begin to see voices not traditionally heard in literature. Christopher Gonzalez writes from the intersections of his marginalized identities as a queer, Latinx person of color. The fifteen stories in I’m Not Hungry But I Could Eat are all told from the perspective of either a gay or bisexual man. With expert prose, Gonzalez is able to create fleshed-out characters and scenarios, leaving the reader to wonder about their futures or wishing there were more to the story.

He holds nothing back with “Packed White Spaces,” deftly analyzing the freedom and ability generational wealth brings. It’s a vulnerable honesty he brings to this story, as class is a contributing factor to marginalization. In “Better Than All That,” he explores things endured for love and supposed friendships and who gets hurt along the way. The characters are well into their twenties, which is perfect for these coming-of-age stories, as it’s said that queer folks experience a “delayed adolescence.” Though the stories aren’t connected, each has intertwining themes, such as yearning, desire, and self-discovery, solidifying not only the need for these stories, but ultimately the joy that springs from them.

Reviewed By:

Author Christopher Gonzalez
Star Count /5
Format Trade
Page Count 115 pages
Publisher Santa Fe Writer's Project
Publish Date 01-Dec-2021
ISBN 9781951631215
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue February 2022
Category Poetry & Short Stories