New Expressions in Origami Art: Masterworks from 25 Leading Paper Artists
Origami is like science made art. You take a piece of paper, follow a specific series of instructions, and you have something fresh and wonderful on your hands. But there is a world of difference between simple folds like that and the marvelous constructs you’ll see in New Expressions in Origami Art.
Here, you’ll find full-color photos of mindbending creations. Creatures so lifelike, you’d swear they’re about to leap off the page. Repeating patterns and tessellations that play tricks on the eye. Sculptures that seem impossible. The artists and their works are lovingly detailed, the secrets of their techniques revealed but no less miraculous.
Even having read these descriptions, seeing each work blows my mind. How can they be the result of paper, water, time, and the hands of an artist? There must be something more to it, some intangible other property.
New Expressions in Origami Art not only takes your mind to unexpected places, but it makes you appreciate those easy fundamental forms even more because you know they set the stage for these mindboggling visions.
Author | Meher McArthur • Robert J. Lang, Foreword |
Star Count | /5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 192 pages |
Publisher | Tuttle Publishing |
Publish Date | 2017-Mar-07 |
ISBN | 9780804846776 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | July 2017 |
Category | Architecture & Photography |
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