Stewie Boom! And Princess Penelope: Handprints, Snowflakes And Play-Dates

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“One day at school, my teacher taught us about why some people like and don’t like different things. ‘No two minds are the same,’ she told us. Our brains make each of us unique.”

In Stewie Boom! And Princess Penelope: Handprints, Snowflakes, and Play-dates by Christine Bronstein, Princess Penelope’s teacher wants the children to understand that, like the snowflakes and hand prints they create in class, no two people are exactly the same. It is the differences that make people interesting. Later on, the teacher asks them to play with someone they don’t usually play with at recess, and although Princess Penelope is a little scared at first, she plays with Eric. She knows that some kids aren’t nice to Eric, because he is different, but that doesn’t stop them from having a lot of fun.

Soon after, Princess Penelope’s mother arranges a playdate for them. Penelope’s mother says, “It’s very important to play with people who may seem different at first because they can teach us new ways of looking at the world.” Before Eric comes, they practice using their inside voices, paying attention to body language and being flexible with activities. Eric arrives, and even though there are a few little issues, everyone has a wonderful time.

Christine Bronstein, the founder of Nothing But The Truth Publishing, has another hit on her hands with the newest installment of the Stewie Boom! series. Changing the point of view from Stewie Boom! to his sister, Princess Penelope, the reader is immersed in the sometimes-challenging mind of a young child. Bronstein discusses the issue of neurodiversity in a way that is relatable to not only adults but children as well. The artwork is vivid and appealing and goes perfectly well with the story being told. It is impossible to read the book without smiling!

Once more, as she has done in the rest of the series, Bronstein adds material that enhances the book. In the back, she includes both a section of tips for families welcoming special needs children for playdates and for the moms of special needs children as well. Taking the book as a whole, Bronstein has created another gem that will be a welcome addition to any elementary teacher’s classroom library or parent’s personal bookshelf. As an instructor at the university level, I often have students on the spectrum in my classes. I can’t help but feel that if the idea of neurodiversity is normalized and championed, those on the spectrum will not face as many issues with bullying and fitting in. Christine Bronstein’s book is a very enjoyable step in that direction.

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Author Witten by Christine Bronstein illustrated by Karen L. Young
Star Count /5
Format eBook
Page Count 46 pages
Publisher Nothing But The Truth Publishing
Publish Date 2018-Apr-03
ISBN 0097809968999 Buy this Book
Issue April 2018
Category Children's


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